My hair style in the bath!
My hair style in the bath!
We play in the bedroom after the nap!
When I went shopping to Carter’s before Eva was born, I was given that paper bag with a beautiful baby picture on it and I remember thinking that I’d love if my baby was as beautiful… Succeeded!
En faisant des courses avant qu’Eva naisse on m’avait donné un sac avec l’image d’un superbe bébé dessus et je me souviens me dire que j’aimerais un beau bébé comme ça… Pari réussi!
Récemment, Eva est moins timide quand on sort et sourit un peu plus 🙂
Recently Eva is a bit less shy when we go out and she smiles a bit more.
… Je demande “gentiment” qu’on m’en donne!
When I see mum eating some bread, I “kindly” ask her to give me some!